Backend Web Development course academy

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Backend Web Development Developer Course Curriculum

  • Introduction of students
  • Backend developer career path
  • Exam Process
  • Introduction to server-side scripting.
  • Understanding the role of PHP in web development.
  • Basics of the PHP programming language.
  • Discussing the installation and setup of PHP.
  • Introduction to databases (MySQL/MariaDB).
  • Syntax: Understanding the basic syntax rules of PHP, including variables, data types, and operators.
  • Installation of PHP, MySQL, and Apache/nginx.
  • HTML Editor
  • How to find the HTML Tags, Class and Elements
  • How to merge frontend and backend elements
  • CSS Introduction
  • Understanding the role of PHP in web development.
  • Basic CSS Syntax
  • Basic CSS Selectors
  • How to include CSS in Html file
  • Javascript Introduction
  • HTML Events
  • Introduction to PHP functions and their syntax.
  • Understanding function parameters and return values.
  • Exploring different types of arrays in PHP.
  • Practical exercise: writing and using functions and arrays.
  • Test: PHP functions and arrays.
  • Manipulating strings using PHP string functions.
  • Introduction to regular expressions and pattern matching.
  • Using regular expressions for string validation and search.
  • Practical exercise: implementing string manipulation.
  • Understanding the principles of object-oriented programming.
  • Classes and objects in PHP: declaration, instantiation.
  • Inheritance and polymorphism in PHP.
  • Practical exercise: creating and using PHP classes.
  • Connecting PHP applications to MySQL/MariaDB databases.
  • Executing SQL queries from PHP: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
  • Retrieving and manipulating data from databases.
  • Practical exercise: database connectivity and operations.
  • Understanding PHP session management and its importance.
  • Working with cookies in PHP: setting, retrieving, and deleting.
  • Best practices for secure session management and cookie handling.
  • Practical exercise: implementing session management and cookies.
  • Handling form submissions in PHP.
  • Validating form data on the server side.
  • Implementing form validation techniques in PHP.
  • Practical exercise: working with forms and validation.
  • Designing a basic database schema for CRUD operations.
  • Implementing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • Integrating backend logic with frontend user interface.
  • Practical exercise: building a simple CRUD application.
  • Middleware in Laravel: introduction, creating custom middleware.
  • Introduction to Blade templating engine: syntax, directives.
  • Creating and rendering views: passing data to views, layouts, partials.
  • Blade control structures: if statements, loops, including other views.
  • Blade layouts: extending layouts, sections, and yields.
  • Introduction to Eloquent ORM: basic CRUD operations.
  • Defining and configuring models: table conventions, relationships.
  • Querying the database with Eloquent: querying basics, eager loading, lazy loading.
  • Working with migrations and seeders: creating and modifying database tables, seeding data.
  • Form validation: built-in validation rules, custom validation rules, error handling.
  • Authentication in Laravel: implementing user authentication, authentication middleware.
  • Authorization: defining policies, using gates and policies to authorize actions.

Backend Web Development Platforms and Tools

The Backend Web Development Training Program Is Best For:

Skilled Professional​
Skilled Professional

Yes, Because there are lots of openings available in Ahmedabad and across India for a Fresher Back-end developer with a handsome salary package and DIT Academy can help you to get this opportunity.

Yes, In DIT Academy we are focusing on 100% practical-based training so that non-IT students can learn easily.

Yes, DIT Academy offers EMI facilities to the students.

At DIT Academy if you miss the regular session then you can watch past lecture recording videos.

DIT Academy is an ISO-certified institute and we provide certificates.

As per the latest trend of the market, most of the work is online and there is a huge demand for a Trained Back end developer in IT sectors,So enroll yourself in DIT Academy and make your career today.

At DIT Academy, We believe that candidates can get a job only when they know the practical work process, So we provide 100% practical-based training.

Join DIT ACADEMY today and make your Digital identity